Gildon Creek 3


Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
– 1 Peter 4:10

Diaconate Ministry


Deacons Ministry serves as the spiritual leaders of the church. They function as partners with the Pastor, carrying out the mission of spiritual growth and advancing the general interest of the church body and maintain a close relationship with the pastor and are committed to supporting the vision and purpose of the church ministries. 
Deaconess Ministry assists the pastor, deacons, and the ministries of the church in order to obtain excellence and kingdom building within the church and also the community. 
Trustees Ministry exalts the Lord as trusted servant leaders as they oversee the handling and processing of all church monies, properties, and real estate in a manner of excellence.

Christian Empowerment Ministry


Church Sunday School members receive the teachings of the Bible and principles of Christian faith.  

New Members Class welcomes new believers to equip and empower them for work in ministry. New members will be encouraged to fulfill the Great Commission, which is to share the gospel and make disciples world-wide. 

Family Life Ministry


Couples Ministry provides Christian fellowship, workshops, and retreats to all married and engaged couples with the goal of strengthening relationships. This ministry provides an opportunity for others to share in God’s glory, whether times are joyful or challenging. 
Brotherhood – MOGC3 (Men of Gildon Creek 3rd) Ministry, which includes every man of GC3, helps men live out the image of God in all areas of their lives by connecting with God and other men through service and fellowship. 
Women’s Ministry – WOGC3 (Women of Gildon Creek 3rd) Ministry, promotes spiritual growth and maturity in women, reflecting our belief in the authority of God’s word and preeminence of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Empowered women spreading light in our homes, church, and the community.

Hospitality/Fellowship Ministry


Ushers Ministry accommodates every worshipper who enters the church with a seat in the most pleasant and efficient manner possible. They serve during Sunday service, revivals, special programs, and while visiting other churches.
Hospitality Ministry exemplifies Christian love through their dedicated commitment to serve the body of Christ in a cordial and cheerful manner – from the Pastor and First family, to the staff, church leaders, members and guests. 
Greeter’s Ministry exists to express tangible hospitality to church attendees as they enter the campus by providing a doorway greeting, a smile, hug, or an encouraging word. 

Music Ministry


Serves by offering the gift of music to the community and congregation, to advance God’s kingdom.
Worship Team sets the atmosphere by leading songs of praise with uplifted hands and hearts to God.
Choir serves to minister songs to encourage, uplift, and inspire the congregation.

Additional Ministry


Multimedia Ministry serves the needs of individuals from the pulpit to the door. This ‘behind the scenes’ ministry brings forth the WORD through sight and sound by using electronic media techniques and formats to communicate the gospel to the lost outside the church and enhance the presentation of God’s word during church services and events. 
Outreach Ministry has a heart and passion for serving the neighboring community, our city, and beyond. 
Pastoral Helpers provides support and assistance to Pastor and First Lady through prayer, worship experiences, special projects, and on special occasions by protecting them physical and spiritually. This ministry wears the breastplate of righteousness at all times. 
Youth and Young Adults Ministry helps our youth and young adults express their own, unique way of worshiping, fellowshipping, and reaching out to those who are in need of a spiritual transformation. From children’s church to the young adults, there is a place for everyone.